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All news by: Anton van Wyk

CPD Campus Supports The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign

Friday 25 November 2022 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (and children). This date kicks off the important annual 16-day international campaign to try and end violence against women and children and concludes on Saturday 10 December 2022.
Pondering the above paragraph, one may have difficulty with the absurdity of dedicating a mere 16 days to the purpose of ending violence against women and children, a campaign which ends on a specific date. What about the other 349 days? But perhaps it is a start…

The Accounting Profession – A Heritage Under Siege?

A question that frequents discussions among professionals nowadays, however, is whether the accountancy profession will, once more, be able to successfully navigate its survival route through the more recent onslaughts against it? Anton van Wyk shines a search-light on the profession which, of necessity, constantly evolves. Competency, ethics, and accountability are paramount in order to engender trust in the future.